30Gb--Isn't it a very huge amount
Written on 6:42 AM by LuckyMurari
If you are wondering how a company like Google was offering almost 3GB of mail space in its Gmail account,then you would be more wondering how a relatively small company is offering a whopping 30GB mail space.Yeah,you heard it right-30GB.30gigs is a e-mail site which offers you a space of 30GB.They used to work on a system of invites but now they came out of it and are allowing direct registrations.About the service, the site is a bit slow(it wouldn't fit web2.0 in this sense but 30GB free e-mail puts it here).I think it has security concerns also as people have hacked their invitation system in the past.But you can use this 30GB to store your files,data etc.But take care you don't use it to store sensitive information